When the Game is Rigged: The Poverty Mindset

Part 9.

One thing successful people hate more than a lack of opportunity to invest, is people who always beg. You might raise an eyebrow or two but try putting yourself in their shoes before you judge. Would you be happy to be around people who always want to get money out of you? Would you want to be surrounded by borrowers and beggars?
The simple answer is no! No one wants to be around those kind of lot. In economic sense they are liabilities not assets. If you invest your money on liabilities than assets, you will enter liquidation and declare bankruptcy. A Yoruba adage says, one rich man in the midst of many wretched people is also wretched.
To attract wealth, you must quit begging and start providing answers to questions people ask. Do you want to catch the fancy of a rich man or a person of influence, you have to come up with an answer to a question he ask. This is one great realization you must come to before you rise.
In the rigged game of wealth, you have to look beyond the money being flashed in the hands of these wealthy men and go for the man himself. Winning the man equals to winning his wealth so go for the bigger deal.
At Cryotosilv, we are the bigger deal. We catch the fish, not the bait.
Contribution by: Anthony Ajibola


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